
Liz Roby

Liz Roby
Liz has two passions in life: astrology and relationships. As a professional astrologer, she has been featured in multiple publications such as BestLife, FoxNews, Glam, Glamour, and MindBodyGreen. She shares all her discoveries and observations on this website.

Recent Articles

Cancer Man & Leo Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match?

If you are dating one of these signs, you may wonder about the Cancer man Leo woman compatibility. Can a fiery Leo get along with an aqueous Cancer well enough to make the relationship last? In some ways, a Leo woman and a Cancer man are quite well suited to each other and could enjoy […]

June 20 Zodiac, Personality, Horoscope, and More

A June 20 birthday falls at the end of Gemini. Though close to the cusp, this birthday is still the sign of the twins. They are born in the last decan of Gemini and influenced by Uranus. People born on June 20 are fascinating and entertaining. They have quirky personalities and love to share stories. […]

Pallas Conjunct Vertex: Clarity & Discoveries

Pallas conjunct the Vertex aligns wisdom and strategy with fate and destiny. It can increase the perception of fated encounters and their potential significance. The important people that come into someone’s life can increase their knowledge and help them make more informed decisions. What does Pallas conjunct the Vertex mean? This conjunction aligns Pallas’ creative […]

Venus Quincunx Chiron: Triggers & Romance

Venus quincunx Chiron can create tension in relationships and connections with others. Finding love will be difficult due to inner wounds and insecurities. There is a tendency to set too many boundaries or to not set them at all in this quincunx. There’s no in-between. What does Venus quincunx Chiron mean? This aspect creates issues […]

Aries + Taurus Compatibility: Love, Sex, and More

Aries and Taurus’ compatibility can be pretty good. This can sometimes be a challenging relationship, but it has a lot of potential. Aries and Taurus might be different, but they can use those differences to learn from one another if they want to. A relationship between Taurus and Aries can be hit or miss. If […]

Scorpio Man & Libra Woman Marriage Compatibility

If you know a Scorpio and Libra couple who are about to get married, then you may wonder about the Scorpio man Libra woman marriage compatibility. Are these two zodiac signs a good match? You can predict the marriage success of two people by comparing their zodiac sign’s personality traits, psychological characteristics, beliefs, and behaviors. […]

Mercury Quincunx Uranus: Eccentricity & Rule-breaking

Mercury quincunx Uranus creates a disconnect between intellect and eccentricity. Rationality and a need for rebellion will be in constant conflict. A lot of Uranus’ rebellious nature is hidden within the mind, though it can also come bursting out in the last tactful way possible. What does Mercury quincunx Uranus mean? This aspect can create […]

What Attracts Libra Men to a Woman?

If you are a woman with your eye on a Libra guy, you are probably wondering how to attract a Libra man. What qualities does a Libra man look for in a woman? Does he want someone shy and demure, or outgoing and challenging? Does he want a significant other who is similar to him […]

Pluto Conjunct South Node: Shadows & Talents

Pluto conjunct the South Node can bring innate gifts related to the collective unconscious, power, and transformation. There is a dark side to this conjunction, though. It may come with karmic lessons related to one’s own shadow, rage, violence, or intolerance. What does Pluto conjunct the South Node mean? This conjunction aligns Pluto’s destruction, evolution, […]

10 Scorpio Negative Traits

Scorpio’s negative traits give this sign a complicated reputation. People born under this sign can sabotage their relationships. Their negative traits can distract from their strengths. Scorpios have positive attributes, but you must navigate their shadow side. Scorpio is a water sign, making them moody and sensitive. They are labile and can be overwhelming because […]