What attracts Aquarius? Aquarians don’t always have a specific type, at least physically. They like a variety of people!
What Aquarius is attracted to is what makes someone unique. They love people who are creative, original, and independent. Confidence helps too.
There are many traits that Aquarians find attractive in others. Intelligence is definitely at the top of their list. They love being able to form an intellectual connection with someone. Curiosity and wit are also attractive!
Emotional regulation is highly attractive to Aquarius. They tend to be more emotionally distant but love people who can express themselves without lashing out.
Charm and confidence will always catch Aquarius’ eye. Social awareness is also important to them. You can always attract an Aquarius by caring about the world around you and being informed about social issues.
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Independence is something that attracts Aquarius. This is an essential trait if you want to be in any relationship with Aquarius, too!
Aquarians are highly independent people, and they prefer to be around others who are too! They might enjoy socializing and being with people but don’t like depending on others. They want to be self-reliant.
An Aquarius will be more attracted to you if you can take care of yourself. If you can do things on your own and don’t need other people to help you all the time, Aquarius will want to be around you more!
When Aquarius likes you, they will want to spend more time with you but won’t spend all their time with you. They will still be independent and expect you to be as well!
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Aquarius’ ideal partner is someone they can form an intellectual connection with. Aquarius needs many types of connections with someone to remain attracted to them, and this is one of the most important!
To attract Aquarius, you should show off your mind. You don’t always have to worry about how you look or what you wear. You do have to worry about whether or not Aquarius finds you intelligent and intellectually stimulating.
You don’t have to know all the same things as Aquarius for them to find you intelligent and attractive. They’ll love it if you are intelligent in a different way from them and when you know things they don’t!
Show your Aquarius that you value knowledge. Impress them by talking about topics you know a lot about. That will attract them to you.
If you want to know how to attract Aquarius, you must be confident! If you are genuinely confident in yourself but not too cocky, Aquarius can look past other things that might not necessarily tick all their boxes.
What is Aquarius attracted to physically? That varies! Aquarians don’t typically have a type. It will be apparent if you are confident in how you look. That confidence will make you more attractive than how you look.
When you walk into a room, hold your head high. Make eye contact when you’re chatting with people, especially if you’re talking to Aquarius! If you know what you’re talking about, speak confidently too!
Aquarius will be drawn to your confidence. They’ll love your positive energy even if you have to fake it sometimes. If you consider yourself to be attractive, they likely will too.
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If you want to know how to get Aquarius’ attention, appeal to their sense of curiosity. Be openly curious, too! They find curiosity attractive.
Aquarians are curious people and are attracted to people who are also curious about the world around them! Aquarius will be drawn to you if you’re the type of person who is always asking questions.
If Aquarius doesn’t understand something, they won’t be satisfied with leaving it be. They will ask questions, experiment, do research, etc., until they better understand whatever it is.
Do the same if you want to attract Aquarius. Let them see that you are just as curious as they are. If they can go out and explore the world with you, they will find you more attractive!
Emotional Regulation
The best match for Aquarius isn’t necessarily someone who is emotionally detached like they are, but someone who knows how to regulate and control their emotions.
Emotional regulation is incredibly attractive to Aquarius. They can benefit from being with someone more emotionally open, but dramatic emotional displays turn them off. They don’t want to be with someone who lashes out unexpectedly.
Aquarius will find you attractive if you can express your emotions healthily and productively! Aquarius will be impressed if you can be sad or angry without lashing out.
Regulating your emotions isn’t hiding them, like Aquarius tends to do. Aquarius will find you more attractive if you can openly express yourself without letting your emotions control you or get the best of you.
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How do you get an Aquarius to chase you? If you can charm them, they’ll want to chase you. If you’re naturally charismatic and magnetic, they will be drawn to you and want to get to know you better.
You can charm an Aquarius by adopting a positive attitude. They love to be around people who share their idealism. If you constantly smile and make others laugh, Aquarius will want to be around you more.
Making strong eye contact can also charm Aquarius. You don’t need to be too intense, but they’ll love it when you’re clearly focused on them while they’re talking.
Joking around can also charm Aquarius. Aquarius will definitely be attracted to you if you are well-spoken and funny. If you can impress them with your conversational skills, you’ll catch their eye too.
Creativity is a trait that Aquarians find highly attractive. They tend to be creative and innovative and love people they can swap ideas with!
If you love art, Aquarius will be intrigued by that! If you are an artist, definitely show off your work to Aquarius. They will be more attracted to you when they see how passionate about your creativity you are.
You can also express your creativity by having creative ideas or a creative way of speaking. Aquarians have wild ideas and love hearing from others who do too!
Express yourself and your creativity if you want to attract Aquarius. Let them hear all your creative solutions to common issues or show off your latest creative project. Even if your art is a little odd, show it off! Aquarius will love it.
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What does Aquarius find attractive? Aquarians are attracted to originality. They love what makes someone unique, not what makes them like everyone else.
Aquarians tend to be attracted to a wide variety of people. They don’t typically have a “type.” If you did pinpoint a type for Aquarius, you might use words like “weird” or “unique.”
If you want to attract Aquarius, show off what makes you unique! Don’t worry about seeming too weird. That is what will catch their eye!
If you have a unique sense of style, show it off! You don’t need to dress a certain way to attract Aquarius, but you will catch their eye if you dress in a way that stands out from how everyone else is dressed.
Show off any odd hobbies or talents you have. If you have different views compared to the group you’re with, express them. Aquarius will be more attracted to you the more original you are.
Wit & Humor
If you want to know how to catch Aquarius’ eye, make them laugh! Aquarius will be incredibly attracted to you if you are witty and have a good sense of humor.
Aquarians love to laugh and joke around. They often have a good sense of humor and enjoy a wide variety of types of comedy. Some enjoy surrealistic, abstract, or ridiculous humor that doesn’t make sense to everyone else.
If Aquarius’ jokes do make sense to you, they’ll love chatting with you even more! They will find you more attractive if you have a similar sense of humor to them.
If you don’t have the same sense of humor, though, don’t worry. As long as you are someone who is open-minded and who loves to joke around, Aquarius will find you attractive. They’ll love hearing your jokes.
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Aquarius’ compatibility is higher with people who are socially aware. Social awareness is a trait they are attracted to, and it’s necessary if you want to form a long-lasting relationship with Aquarius!
Social awareness is about empathizing with others. It’s about listening to other people’s perspectives and understanding the different cultural backgrounds and norms of the people around you.
Social awareness, ironically, is something that Aquarius doesn’t always entirely have. They try to understand different cultures and perspectives.
They are open-minded and love to learn about views outside their own. They sometimes struggle with empathy and picking up on social cues, though.
Someone with the open-mindedness of Aquarius and the ability to empathize will be incredibly attractive to them. They love being around people they can learn from. Being with someone who is more socially aware will benefit them.
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