An Aquarius’ relationships are sometimes as unpredictable and chaotic as they are! You’ll never really know what to expect from Aquarius when it comes to romance.
Aquarians are highly unconventional. They often take a long time to settle down, if they do at all.
Aquarians need a mental connection, spontaneity, equality, and freedom to be happy in a relationship. They want to have fun with their partners and bond with them while still living their own lives.
Aquarians aren’t that romantic. They don’t fall in love easily. They need more than infatuation to stay in a relationship. They take a long time to open up to their partners.
Your Aquarius partner will respect your freedom, and they’ll expect the same in return. They make up their own rules for relationships. They are unconventional and need a partner who is too.
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They Need a Mental Connection
Aquarius’ compatibility is higher with someone they have a mental connection with. This is essential if you want a stable, long-term relationship with Aquarius. They want a partner they can intellectually connect with.
Aquarians tend to be intellectual people. They value knowledge and love learning new things. They prefer to be with people who also share their love of learning.
Aquarius will love being with you if you can have intellectual discussions. They like discussing various topics and often enjoy abstract concepts and thought experiments.
They will enjoy being with you if they can have these types of conversations with you!
Forming an emotional connection with Aquarius can take a while because they are more emotionally detached, but you can start building a mental connection immediately. Intellectually connecting can help you to bond in other ways too!
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They’re Highly Independent
What is Aquarius like in relationships? Aquarius is highly independent, and that doesn’t stop being true once they commit to a relationship. They will still want to live their own life and be their own person outside of their relationship.
If you want to be in a relationship with Aquarius, you must respect their independence. If they say they don’t want your help with something, respect that. If they want time to themselves, give it to them.
Aquarians are happiest in relationships where their partners are independent too. Aquarius doesn’t want a partner who is overly reliant on them. They want a partner who can take care of themselves.
Aquarius might want to be with you, but they won’t need you. That is how they prefer relationships to be. You should both be independent if you want a successful relationship.
They’re Not That Romantic
Are Aquarians good partners? They can be! They aren’t always the most romantic people, though. Even if your Aquarius partner cares about you, they might not sweep you off your feet or woo you the way you’d like.
Aquarians can be loving partners. Your Aquarius partner might take you on wild, spontaneous dates too. They may not be romantic. Aquarius won’t always think to get flowers or woo you with sweet words.
A relationship with Aquarius can sometimes feel more like a friendship. Their partner is usually their best friend, and they will treat them that way. That doesn’t mean Aquarius doesn’t love you. It just means they express their love differently.
You can talk to them if you want more romance in your relationship with Aquarius. Be realistic, though. They likely won’t change their entire personality for you.
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They Can Be Unconventional
The worst match for Aquarius is someone who is overly traditional or conservative. If you’re focused on how relationships “should” be, Aquarius might not be the right person for you!
Aquarians are highly unconventional. They reject societal norms that they disagree with. If something is considered “normal” for couples, but Aquarius doesn’t agree with it or want it to be part of their relationship, they won’t do it.
Aquarius might want an unconventional relationship. They may be polyamorous and want an open relationship. They might still be monogamous but unconventional because they don’t live with their partner. They might commit without getting married.
If your Aquarius partner rejects certain relationship conventions, you likely won’t be able to convince them to make them part of your relationship. You should embrace their unconventional nature or move on to someone who wants the same things you do.
They’re Spontaneous & Adventurous
Aquarians are incredibly spontaneous and adventurous. They aren’t always reckless, though. They know how to have a good time without getting in trouble. They want to have fun and let loose, but they can be responsible.
The best match for Aquarius is someone who is also adventurous. If you have a wild side, let your Aquarius partner see that! They will love it.
Aquarians are exciting partners. You’ll never be bored when you’re with one. Their spontaneity isn’t for everyone, though. If you crave stability and routine, Aquarius might not be the best partner for you.
If you love adventure, though, your relationship with Aquarius will be exciting! You two can explore the world and gain new experiences together. Your Aquarius partner will love getting wild and just enjoying life with you.
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They Take a While to Open Up
Aquarius’ personality is lively and friendly, but Aquarians are also closed off and emotionally detached. It takes them a long time to open up! Be prepared for that if you’re in a relationship with one.
You must be patient if you’re in a relationship with Aquarius. You can’t expect them to open up emotionally right away. They won’t tell you all their secrets until they fully trust you, which will take time.
This can be frustrating if you’re an open book or used to people opening up to you quickly. If your Aquarius loves you and wants a committed relationship, they will open up eventually. They’ll learn how to be vulnerable. It just takes time.
They Hate Being Controlled
Your relationship with Aquarius will last much longer if you never try to control them. There is nothing Aquarius hates more than when someone tries to control them or dictate what they can and cannot do!
Aquarians are free spirits. They are highly independent and value their freedom more than anything. Aquarius doesn’t think they need to be in a relationship, either, so they are quick to leave one if they feel like it affects their freedom.
You can set boundaries with your Aquarius partner and discuss your needs with them but never try to make them do something. Make requests, not demands. Talk things through and treat them as an equal partner, or else they will end things.
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The Make Their Own Rules
Aquarius doesn’t care about what society says a relationship should be. They don’t want a relationship that is exactly like what their parents had or what all their friends have. They want their own relationship with their own set of rules.
Your Aquarius partner will likely want to make the rules for your relationship with you. They want you to be an equal partner with as much say as they have.
If you two don’t see eye-to-eye on certain things, you’ll likely need to agree to disagree. They won’t go along with your rules if they don’t agree with them. You two will need to figure out the rules for your relationship together.
Is Aquarius loyal in relationships? They can be, but they have to want to be. They also sometimes have different ideas of what loyalty means as others, so it’s essential to be on the same page about your expectations.
They Want Balance & Equality
Aquarius’ soulmate is their true equal. Aquarius wants a relationship where neither partner controls the other. They want true balance and equality, or they won’t be content in their relationship.
Aquarius wants a relationship with natural give-and-take. They want a partner who can take the lead sometimes but is also okay with Aquarius taking over when needed.
If Aquarius feels like their relationship is unequal and unbalanced, they’ll be unhappy. They won’t like it if their partner relies on them too much. They’ll be dissatisfied if they feel more invested in the relationship than their partner.
Work with your Aquarius partner to ensure your relationship is as equal as possible. There might be times when it’s temporarily lopsided but focus on trying to have things balanced overall.
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They’ll Respect Their Partner’s Freedom
If you’re dating an Aquarius, they will respect your freedom. Aquarians aren’t typically the jealous or possessive type. They want their freedom and will gladly let their partners have theirs.
Your Aquarius partner isn’t going to mind when you want to go out with their friends. They won’t demand to know where you are at all times. They’ll assume you’re busy if you fail to text them back. They won’t get mad.
Aquarius can be laid-back in many ways. Your Aquarius partner won’t try to dictate who you talk to or where you go. They will trust you to take care of yourself. They typically aren’t a controlling partner at all.
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